One Trusted Partner,
All of Your Energy Management Needs.
PowerLink Provides Solutions
Lower My Energy Costs

Have you tried to shop for your own energy only to end up with more questions than answers? The number of suppliers and products can be overwhelming and sometimes misleading. Let PowerLink explain the differences between fixed and floating prices and on-peak versus off-peak usage. What if I use more power than I expected when I signed my last contract? Let PowerLink de-mystify the fine print and give you peace of mind. We are here to help lower your overall energy costs, not just your rate.

Multi-Family Owners

Are you an owner of one or more multi-family properties? Are you frustrated with the operational burden to add and remove meters when you tenants move in and out? There are many considerations when choosing the right supplier for your multi-family property. Let PowerLink help you navigate your continuous service and marketing agreements to ensure that you are maximizing your revenue potential.

Energy Efficiency Goals

Do you want to increase your energy efficiency but do not know where to start? Being energy efficient starts with a proper review of your property and equipment and can be as simple as new lighting or as complex as installing new equipment. Let PowerLink bring in our energy efficiency partners and start the analysis. Check out the available tax incentives and on-bill financing options now.

High Demand Charges

Is your energy bill high even when your usage is lower? The demand charges from your local distribution company are based on how and when you use your maximum amount of power. Simple changes in how you start and run your equipment can make meaningful changes in your demand charges. Did you know that you can even earn money through demand response programs if you have the flexibility to change your demand patterns? Let PowerLink be your champion

Credit & Collateral Posting

Is your energy supplier asking for additional credit support for you to lock in low rates for the long term? During these uncertain times, energy suppliers can ask for new collateral to be posted versus your long-term purchase agreements. There are various alternatives to tying your cash up as collateral. With our wholesale markets background, we have the expertise to find the optimal solution. Let PowerLink negotiate on your behalf and keep your capital working for you.

Sustainability & Green Initiatives

Do you have sustainability targets but not sure where to start? While we all hear about renewable energy, you are not alone if it feels like just a headline. There are several green initiatives available to companies of all sizes. It can be as simple as sourcing a portion of your energy purchases from sustainable sources or as complex as building your own solar farm. PowerLink can tailor a renewable energy credit program to achieve your carbon neutral goals. Let PowerLink unlock the power of green today. Don’t forget about important tax incentives!

O&G New Meters Needed

Are you an oil & gas company waiting on the local utility to bring access to your field? Are your high cost generators cutting into your margins? There are private solutions to bring power to your production sites. Do not take a wait and see approach with the utility. Let PowerLink bring in our infrastructure partners and drive a plan that fits your expansion needs.

Construction & Development

Are you a construction or development company with ever changing locational needs? Construction meters are a critical starting point to keep your project on target. Even though your location is always changing, you can purchase long term power and lock in cheaper rates, directly adding to your bottom line. Let PowerLink negotiate your purchase agreement and ensure that you have power at the location before your crew arrives.

Lower My Taxes

Is your business paying taxes on your energy purchases? Many businesses are exempt from paying sales taxes on their energy purchases. Find out if you are overpaying and if you can receive a refund for prior years. Let PowerLink work with your tax advisor to ensure that suppliers are billing you correctly.

Multiple Locations

Do you have a business with multiple small locations? You can still receive the benefit of aggregating all these locations together for a better rate. Even if you need individual billing, PowerLink can ensure that your business needs are met. Are you planning on moving or selling a location? Let PowerLink find the contact terms that are right for you.